Parental contributions are recognized and valued as an important part of the total education of the child.
Parents As Active Partners
Parents are invited to participate in the school governance as a member of the Local School Council or as a member of the Parent Support Group.
The Local School Council helps oversee school policies and operations. The Parent Support Group meet monthly to support school activities.
Other active Parent Committees include:
- The Sports Parents Committee
- The Music Parents Committee
- The Grad Fashion Show Committee
- The After-Grad Committee
Throughout the school year, parent volunteers assist with field trip supervision, the transportation of students to extracurricular activities, as guest speakers and with the daily hot lunch program.

Student/Parent Handbook
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are conducted twice a year.
Appointments are scheduled using an online system. Parents will be notified via the school newsletter when the system is available for scheduling.
All accounts are cleared at the beginning of each school year, so parents must register themselves and their children for an account each year. This site allows parents to choose up to 6 interview times with your child’s teachers. Interviews are 10 minutes in length.

Additional Parent Groups & Resources
Regular attendance by students in all of their classes enhances their performance and contributes substantially to their rate of progress. While at school, students have a right to an education; they also have a responsibility to attend classes regularly and pursue their studies in a diligent manner. Every student will attend regularly and punctually throughout the school year unless excused from doing so.
Each absence will be considered excused or unexcused. Examples of an excused absence are an absence due to a personal illness, serious illness in the family, death in the family, medical or dental appointments.
A note from a parent/guardian is required for all absences. Parents/Guardians must:
• contact the school and teachers if your child will be absent.
• call the school directly 250-479-1414. The school answering machine is checked daily.
If a child is marked absent after morning attendance is taken, and the school has not received notification, a phone call is made to parents/guardians to confirm that their child is safe at home.
The Ministry of Education reduces our funding for children who have missed a significant amount of school. If you will be away for extended unexcused absences and this reduces your child’s grant, you may be required to pay the difference. In accordance with Island Catholic Schools policy, parents or guardians of students absent without excuse may be required to reimburse the school if the provincial funding for the student is reduced as a result of high absenteeism.
Missed School Work
Students and/or Parents/Guardians are responsible to check with teachers regarding work that is missed. Parents/Guardians should contact teachers directly if a student will be away for an extended period of time so that arrangements can be made for schoolwork. Students are responsible to promptly make up any missed work.
Late Arrivals/Early Departures
Students who arrive after 8:30 am must be signed in at the office by Parent/Guardian and receive an Attendance Slip from the office. A logbook is kept in the office. A note must accompany the student if Parents/Guardians have not already notified the teacher or office.
Students who are departing the school prior to the 3:05 pm dismissal must be signed out by a Parent/Guardian at the office. A note must accompany the student if Parents/Guardians have not already notified the teacher or office.
The policies of CISDV allow for the Catholic Independent Schools Board of Directors to delegate any of its authority to the Local School Council (LSC). The principle of subsidiarity acknowledges that the decision-making process should be influenced by those responsible for implementing the decision and those who will be affected by the implementation. Our LSC Meetings are usually held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, at 6:30pm in the School Library. Interested parents are invited to attend.
The St. Andrew’s Regional High Local School Council assumes authority at the local level for those areas of management and operation delegated by the Board of Directors and in accordance with the Constitution and by-laws of the Catholic Independent Schools, Diocese of Victoria (C.I.S.D.V.) and the policies and regulations of the Catholic Independent Schools. Role of LSC
Local School Council Members 2021/2022
Chair, Mrs. Angela Grohovac
Treasurer, Mr. Steve Pearse
Human Resources, Mr. Peter Rose
International Student Liaison, Mr. Victor Araujo
Parent Support Group Liaison, Mrs. Angela Grohovac
Buildings and Grounds, Mr. Euan Skinner
Secretary, Mrs. Katherine Thiessen-Wale
Chaplain, Fr. Eduardo Santos
Teacher Rep, Vacant
Principal, Mr. Glen Palahicky
Local School Council Minutes
May APM 2023
April 2023
March 2023
January 2023
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
June 2022
The Parent Support Group (PSG) is a volunteer group of parents who assist administration, faculty, and students in building the amazing community that is St Andrew’s Regional High School!
Our Parent Support Group Meetings are held once a month, at 7 pm in the School Library. Monthly dates can be confirmed by checking the St. Andrew’s Regional High School newsletter and website calendar. Please join us! We have a chair ready for you!!
Why join the PSG? The PSG is a great way to get involved and understand how, when, and why things are happening at St Andrew’s, and in your child’s life. Also, attending a PSG meeting counts as one hour towards your volunteer commitment (10 meetings= 10 hours = your school volunteer commitment complete!!).
Parent Support Group Guidelines
School volunteer opportunities
We are still preparing the schedule of events and fundraising activities for this school year. Once volunteer opportunities become available, we will post notices in the school Newsletter.
Part of the annual PSG budget is dedicated to scholarship awards to students who represent and bring the same value and spirit to the SARHS community. The PSG recognizes that there are unlimited ways in which any student can accomplish this and bring much benefit to the school community. The PSG invites all interested SARHS students to describe for the SARHS Scholarship/Bursary Awards Selection Committee, their unique contributions which may include but are not limited to: sport, music, drama, art, leadership, fund raising, peer support, spiritual service to school.
If you are interested in being a PSG executive member, contact the President of the PSG to connect with the PSG to help out with fundraisers and events.
The PSG Executive for 2024-2025
President: Linda Fodchuk Nicoll
Vice President: Mia
Secretary: Chrissy Kendrick
Treasurer: Stephanie
Member at Large: Frank
Member at Large: Fausto Giorgi
Member at Large: Maria Giorgi
Member at Large: Lori
Member at Large: Maria
Perri Weeks
Member at Large: Alejandra
Minutes of Meetings
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
The St. Andrew’s High School Sports Parents’ Committee supports the various athletic activities that the students participate in by running various fundraisers and community events. We meet at various times throughout the year to plan these activities.
- Purdys
- Carwash/Shred it
- Sports Gala
Athletic Director
Isabella Marsiglia
Parent Coordinators
Uniforms can be ordered online via McCarthy Uniforms.
Please note that you will need to create an account with Neat Uniforms. Please click on the Sign In button at the top right of the Neat Uniforms main page and then follow the directions.
St. Andrew’s Regional High School’s motto is “To Build in Love”. In order to build an engaged school community, the PIP requires each family to undertake 10 hours of service to the school community each year. See guidelines below.
Service opportunities are wide ranging and are aimed to help the school community as a whole. Some examples, but not limited to, are Hot Lunch, Sports Activities, Fine Arts Presentations, After Grad Events, Parent Support Group Events, Back to School Events, Open House, Parent Education, etc. Volunteers are to record hours and submit the form to the office.
Before volunteering the following must be completed:
Volunteer Application Form
Covenant of Care Agreement
Once these have been submitted to the office, applicants will then receive information on how to go online to complete a Criminal Records Check. After an approved Criminal Records Check has been received in the office, then applicants are able to volunteer.
For Transportation To and From Field Trips
When volunteer drivers are used the following documentation must be on file in the school office:
- Driver Abstract– Parents must call ICBC (250-978-8300) to request a driver’s abstract that can be faxed to the school (250-479-5356) or emailed to the office (
- Drivers License and Insurance: A photocopy of driver’s license and insurance showing $2 million liability must be submitted to the office.
- Criminal Record Check
Each family (parent / guardian) must contribute 10 hours toward school activities per school year, without exception.
A post-dated cheque for June 30th for the next school year for $150 is to be collected along with the Family Payment Schedule. If this is not submitted, then registration will be deemed incomplete.
The cheque will be deposited if the full 10 hours are not completed. No exceptions will be made. No partial payments shall be made for partial hours completed.
To record your hours, complete the Parent Involvement Hours form and return it to the office or fax to 250-479-5356. If you are taking part in a large event, such as After Grad, please have the committee chair sign your Parent Involvement Hours form.
The Executive of the Parent Support Group and members of the Local School Council (LSC) are exempt from the requirement of the program due to the hours of service that they already contribute throughout the school year.
The LSC shall have a dedicated member who will oversee the program and policy implementation.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Victoria has developed a Responsible Ministry and Safe Environment Policy (RMSE) to help ensure a safe environment for all members. Under this policy all volunteers working for our schools where there is potential for direct or unsupervised contact with students are required to have a current CRC on file.